Friday, November 20, 2009

Utah Department of Health Site Visit

On Thursday, November 15, 2009, FHLA members visited the Utah Department of Health. We met with several mid-level employees, each working in a different topic and/or technical area within the Utah Department of Health. Each employee shared with us his/her experience working in state government, the personal career path forged thus far, his/her day-to-day duties, and potential options he/she is considering for the future. FHLA members were able to see how these employees were using marketing skills (i.e., for tobacco cessation), management skills (i.e., for state-wide quality assurance and quality improvement), leadership and team-building skills (i.e., for the partnerships forged with townships in efforts to improve walkability), as well as data-analysis skills (i.e., for designing and implementing cancer program activities); all skills that we are now refining in this degree program. The informal setting provided a wonderful medium for discussion and introspection. It allowed FHLA members to learn more about the Utah Department of Health as we consider careers in the field of health administration.